Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Contests awards!

Hello bloggers!
Finally we can tell you the winners of our three contests: Pet Contest, Style Contest and Vayerman Question Contest!
So lets start from the Pets Contest. Look at the results:

WOW! Milo is the winner! Clone is on the second place! And Destroyer is on the third!
So Milo will get 1000 bugs! And Clone and Destroyer will get 500 bugs everyone!
Congratulations guys!
SO WINNERS! NAME YOURSELF! Milo, Clone and Destroyer!

Our second contest is a Style Contest.
So according to our poll best style has... Jessie2000!!!
And Royaltapdancer is on the second place!
You guys will get 2000 bugs everyone! Congratulations!
But that's not all! Vaila is the Miss Sympathy of Chobots Team!
Greetings Vaila!

And finally our third contest is Vayerman Question Contest!
The winner is
Floppyj10! She gets a prize! 2000 bugs!
And also the most active contestants will get 500 bugs everyone! They are Pendul1 and Herip!
Greetings guys!

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