Monday, April 20, 2009

Now You Can Find Them On Twitter! :)

Chobots said "Yea!" and they did it! :)

Two Chobots Mods that create cool parties and contests are now available on Twitter!

It's really handy now to know when they are online and when their events will happen!
Also, you can send them direct messages even when they are offline! Cool, right?
Find them at

Saturday, April 18, 2009

monkee blog

Hello Bloggers!

I have awesome news for you! Monkee starts a Cartoon Chobot Contest!

To learn more about the contest visit Moonkee's blog.
It will be really REALLY fun!
And the winner will get a PRIZE!!! So do your best!

Vayerman Items Concepts!

Dear Chobots,

You know that Chobot Mods have exclusive items they design and present them to their team-mates! Check their blogs to know more.
But let me reveal V-Item concepts!

My main item will be the V-Flag!

And I still can't select my clothing for missions. It can be a suit of Golden Ninja or a Monk.
So please help me to select, vote for the one you like more!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru


I think he saw something scary...

Don't scream as a chobot on the picture when you come to Nichos Kingdom )))
Remember that chobots should go there only in groups. I'll go with Lolol and Mezk. I think we should name our team.
Who will be your buddies?
P.S. The picture is made by Angry13

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nichos Kingdom Mission Updates!

Hey Chobots,

Nichos Kingdom is really tricky! We still don't know if all Chobots are ready for it!

And we don't know exactly when we will send our main forces there. But it will happen soon!

Those beams from Nichos statues eyes almost hit me! Luckily, I've got back to the city safe.
I can't wait we accomplish this mission together, but please be patient!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Thursday, April 16, 2009


HURRAY!!!! Finaly, the Space Racing Contest started!

I like this game! Do you thik you can win this contest?

Another Sweet Battle Location Concept!

Hey Chobots,

This location is going to be really tricky! If this is going to work, there will be "active items" which will help you to win the battle! :)
I also can't wait!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Smurfet's Question Contest Announcement!

Check his blog to know the details!
Also you can follow him on Twitter to always stay updated about his events.

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Smurfet's Question Contest Announcement!

Check his blog to know the details!
Also you can follow him on Twitter to always stay updated about his events.

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Buy Pets and Interact with them!

Play Games and Work together!

Safe for the whole family to play!

Protect Chobots from Evil Nichos by working with friends!

Make your own house and decorate it!

how much people

Recommend an Agent!

We will continuously make polls asking our community who deserves to become an agent on Chobots. You can recommend Chobots you think should become agents posting your replies here and also you can post your feedback about Agents work.
Don't forget to read guidance on how to become an agent!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru


Lots of new features coming for Chobots agents including secret location, monthly allowance a.o.!

How to Become an Agent in Chobots?

Q: What agents do?

A: Agents always help. They help new Chobots to explore Chobots World. They help moderators to find and ban Nichos who use bad words or cheat. They help to develop Chobots world and spread news about it in their blogs and invite their friends.

Q: What preferences agents have?

A: Basically, agents do not have additional preferences. It is a voluntary work. But they are the most trustful Chobots and they have own badge. Also, they can draw the wall, since we know they will create only great art. Have a look what one of our agents created!

Q: How to become an agent?

A: First, you should learn the rules and secrets of Chobots world. Be patient, because it takes time. Usually it takes a month to become an agent. But for most active Chobots it can be done in a couple of weeks! Secondly, become a friend of one of our agents and help them, so they recommend you. Also, you need to do something cool like inviting your friends or making a blog or a short real about Chobots. And finally, you should ask a moderator to make you an agent. And of course, you should look nice, lol! :)

Note: Please ask your parents before making any of these activities.

Q: Who is Chobot?

A: You don't know Chobot? LOL! He is our first and still the greatest agent so far. He's in Chobots since 11th of October and we should thank to him for making our Chobots world better!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


hi guys,
lukam here to day is my birthday i am turning 9

Follow Vayerman at Twitter! :)

If you want to know when I'm playing Chobots you can follow me on Twitter! :)
Also, you know... Chopix is telling me when he needs your help to catch Nichos Spies... and I am telling you on Twitter :)

Here are my followers on Twitter so far. I am also following good Chobots to know what they are doing at the moment. Do you think all mods should have Twitter?

And of course, I was happy that our blog added 32 followers in six days! And now we have 215! Whohoo! Thanks to everybody!
Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Follow Vayerman at Twitter! :)

Hey Chobots,

If you want to know when I'm playing Chobots you can follow me on Twitter! :)
Also, you know... Chopix is telling me when he needs your help to catch Nichos Spies... and I am telling you on Twitter :)

Here are my followers on Twitter so far. I am also following good Chobots to know what they are doing at the moment. Do you think all mods should have Twitter?

And of course, I was happy that our blog added 32 followers in six days! And now we have 215! Whohoo! Thanks to everybody!
Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Another Cool Vid by Josip52! :)


This video is going to be a good addition to our Cinema playlist!

And here is the author! :)

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Chobots Blog of the Week!

Authors of this blog are extremely fast!
Somehow they knew about coming updates faster than me and that's why they are bloggers of the week :)

Visit if you want to know about coming updates!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

Take the spade and get ready!!!

Who is the best in caw mission???

The competition is started. The end date is the 4th of April.

Show everyone how good you are in the milk production!!!

Be sure you'll get a deserved reward

P.S. Don't forget that only by collaboration you can reach the major achievements